Dya Iganov

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


"Kerjaan lebih penting daripada pacar/tunangan/keluarga" upppssss.... big mistake..... both are important thing that complete each other... how can you live with a successfull carrier but you have no family with you as the leader (as a husband/fateher/elder brother) or how can you live with an awsome experience with a small happy family without a successfull carrier on your way of life?

How can you live with a billion of boyfriends/girlfriends without a lover????

How can you become a great person if you never felt like your world tumbling down on you???

How can you go higher without a deadly climb?

How can you felt on the top of the world without a step/baby step from below?

How can you have a lot of friends if you keep your distance with their personality?

How can you face the world if you keep closing your mind from a changing world?

How can you learn without a first step?

How can you understand if all you can do is complain about everything?

How can you see with your eyes covered of anger?

How can you listen with your ears only listening your thoughts?

How can you live your life just keep trying without saying a pray????

How can you live in this world without a second remembering our creator???